Monday, July 4, 2016

A letter to Mike on his 58th Birthday July 5, 2016

     I don't know if you look back as much as I do, but I woke up this morning thinking about the past. It's hard to believe it's forty years since High School. And it is fifty four years about since we walked to kindergarten at West Nyack Elementary. I'm not even sure we did that it was so long ago. I remember walking to the School for kindergarten, then walking home with someone and always wanting to walk home without a parent meeting us to walk us home. I remember making it to the corner of Klein Ave one day, thinking we had walked home on our own only to find my father behind us in his truck. I don't know how long he followed us. I remember you telling me that God lives on the biggest cloud and the green speckles in the water of the swamp meant there was quick sand under the water. You were such an expert on life at such a young age. I was soo impressed.

     One memory I am sure of were the pedal cars you and your brothers had. I always wanted one, and never had one. I used to go over to your house and You and Steve and I, I think Steve was there, at least some of the times. We would drive the cars up and down your driveway, around your father's station wagon, it seemed like forever ago. Was Your Dad's Car gray colored then?
     I remember sleeping out in the tent. I was sleeping out in the tent with Steve and one night he didn't want to and said maybe I should ask you to sleep out with me. I did and we had a great time and I think we kept doing it for the rest of the summer. That was some were around 1968, I think. You introduced me to WHN 1050, I think? There was a song about a bird in a jungle or something that was playing on that station . The Singer made bird sounds during the song. It sounded like a MaCaw or something. That was the year I became a real Yankee fan. I started watching the games and suffering through their loses. Which only got worse with Ralph Houk's  five year plan and the Daily News 'Bill Gallo drawing Ralph Houk 'Stairway to Heaven'
     The Concept of only watching a few games a week on TV and listening to the rest on the radio is so foreign to kids these days. We'd listen to most of the games on the radio, usually in the tent over at my house and when they Yankees switched from WHN to 570 or whatever it was, we were introduced to talk radio. Malickey McCourt, Leon Lewis and others. Malickey McCourt wrote a book about part of his life. He did some wild stuff. I think it was called 'A Pope walking on water'. I have it, if you'd like to read it.
       I could never figure out why Leon Lewis put the Masked Marauder on at 3:45 in the morning. Trying to stay up until then became part of the fun listening to the 15 minute show. 
     Then We discovered Girls and our fun became less innocent. But I'll save that for another birthday.  

Enjoy you day, and have many more
